The History of Christ Anglican Church
Christ Church was founded following the withdrawal of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer in the Episcopal Church.
In October of 1981, some of the founding members began to look toward alternative services that would once again include the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
On September 12, 1982, the parishioners held their first service. (Celebrating a New Beginning) The first service that was held in our current building in Warrenton, Virginia, was on Christmas Day of 1983, which was appropriate, since our building was formerly a renovated carpenter's workshop. Sixty-five people, including three parishioners over 90 years of age, braved the zero-degree temperature to celebrate Christ's birth in this new church building. (A Traditional, Continuing Church)
Christ Church is affiliated with the Episcopal Missionary Church (EMC), a national, continuing church that's dedicated to using The 1928 Book of Common Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer provides us with both the structure and liberation we seek. Much of that structure is in the form of prayers, which date back to the early church, so we pray together with Christians down through the centuries. The Book of Common Prayer also provides a structure for individual prayer sessions throughout the year. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer provides a simple and easy-to-follow calendar that lists the Psalter, Scripture Lessons, and Collect for each day.